
Therapy for Arthritis pain relief: Adjustable Finger Extension Filter

Relief Through Vision – Computer Vision Solution for Arthritis Patients
People all over the world suffer from arthritis, a medical condition characterized by pain and stiffness in the joints. The pain caused by this may not be easily relievable by conventional methods.

An R&D team backed by NIH (National Institute of Health) US contacted us and asked if we could help them with a new and innovative approach that leveraged Computer Vison to help the patients.


Arthritis, which is the swelling and tenderness of one or more joints, is a common problem faced by the elderly, and oftentimes difficult to treat and/or manage. Researchers are looking into unconventional methods that are non-invasive, and easy to perform, often assisted by recent developments in AI technology.


There is ongoing research into computer-assisted therapy for arthritis patients, one such treatment revolves around visual stimuli provided by stretching one’s fingers, provoking some sort of ‘phantom relief’ sensation. The research team asked us to use computer vision to create such an AR filter that could do that. We then implemented their ideas into a working product by applying a range of expertise in vision deep learning, image processing and then optimized the final algorithm to work on mobile. Result: The end result was a mobile application that could artificially stretch and widen the fingers of the patients in real time with realistic effects, this achieved the objective the researchers were looking for.

Key Features

Tools & Technologies


Our Computer Vision solution for arthritis patients provided an innovative and effective approach to relieve pain and stiffness in the joints. By leveraging advanced technology, the system helped patients identify and track changes in their joint movements, enabling them to adjust their treatment and management plans accordingly. The project demonstrated the potential of technology to enhance healthcare and improve the quality of life for patients. By providing an alternative to conventional methods of pain relief, the system offers a valuable solution for individuals suffering from arthritis and other chronic pain conditions.

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